"If you are looking for guidance as to how to raise a creative, bright, respectful and capable child, look no further! Ralph's seminal insights on the Montessori philosophy and its implementation in the home are brought together in this practical book." --- Dr. Pamela Zell Rigg
"I was impressed by Ralph's dedication to helping parents become active participants in the education of their children...The book is based on a foundation of observation, freedom and respect for the child with the ultimate goal of the flourishing of the child." --- Karen Simon, Former MACTE Board Chair
"Recognizing and advocating for children's needs has always been a passion for Ralph. His work with 0-6 year old children and their parents has resulted in a positive influence in so many lives." --- Helen DeVere
"Ralph has a compelling, calming presence. He is thoughtful, brilliant, patient, and has a beautiful sense of humor.. Ralph is the ideal person to write this book. He's the gentle teacher we all need. I know you will not only enjoy this book, you'll be a changed, better human for having done so." --- Jana Morgan Herman
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【The 1946 London Lectures】 The 1946 London course was the first training course given in Europe by Maria Montessori. Unit Price: HK$165.00 | |
【The Absorbent Mind】 The Absorbent Mind is an analysis of the physical and psychological aspects of a child's growth during the most significant period of life. Unit Price: HK$185.00 | |
【The Discovery of the Child】 In The Discovery of the Child Maria Montessori describes the nature of the child and her method. Unit Price: HK$185.00 | |
【The Secret of Childhood】 The new-born child who is not only a body ready to function as a body, but also has a spiritual embryo with latent psychic capacities. Unit Price: HK$165.00 | |
【The Formation of Man】 In the book The Formation of Man Montessori talks about the psychology of the child during the first four years of life, about the formation of the intelligence of a human personality, how is it formed, by means of what processes and in obedience to what laws? Unit Price: HK$135.00 | |
【Education for a New World】 The purpose of this book is to expound and defend the great powers of the child, and to help teachers to a new outlook which will change their task from drudgery to joy, from repression to collaboration with nature ... Unit Price: HK$135.00 | |
【The Montessori Approach to Music】 This volume contains the depth and richness of musical experience for children that is the legacy of Maria Montessori and Anna Maccheroni – a legacy to embrace and a responsibility to carry forward. Unit Price: HK$135.00 | |
【The Child in the Family】 Maria Montessori discusses some of her basic principles of education and shows why it is so important for adults to ‘follow attentively all the spiritual expressions of a child'. Unit Price: HK$135.00 | |
【Education and Peace】 This collection of speeches, delivered by Dr. Montessori at international congresses and peace councils, vividly reveals her profound concern with the question of peace. Unit Price: HK$135.00 | |
【The Advanced Montessori Method I】 Dr. Montessori presents her educational philosophy and methods for children of the ages of three to six years. Unit Price: HK$185.00 | |
【The Advanced Montessori Method - II】 This book introduces the materials and techniques Dr. Montessori devised for teaching older children. Unit Price: HK$185.00 | |
【Citizen of the World】 This book offers the reader a selection of essential lectures and articles written during the last 25 years of Montessori’s life. Unit Price: HK$135.00 | |
【Maria Montessori speaks to Parents】 We have added to The Montessori Series this small volume with 11 lectures in which Maria Montessori gives parents an introductory explanation of her vision on education. Unit Price: HK$80.00 | |
【The Mass explained to Children】 In this little book Montessori teaches the children about the meaning of the Catholic Mass, what is necessary for the Mass, the Mass of the Catechumens and the Mass of the Faithful. Unit Price: HK$105.00 | |
【What you should know about your Child】 The Montessori Method is scientific education based on a sound knowledge of childhood. Unit Price: HK$135.00 | |
【The Child, Society and the World】 This collection of speeches and lectures by Dr. Montessori provides the reader with a vivid and accurate understanding of the theories and working methods of the most important educationalist of the 20 th century. Unit Price: HK$165.00 | |
【Creative Development in the Child】 Maria Montessori lectured in Italian during the first International Montessori Course in 1939 at Madras, India. Unit Price: HK$185.00 | |
【The 1913 Rome Lectures】 Maria Montessori organized the 1913 training course in Rome in response to many requests, from all over the world, but particularly the United States. Unit Price: HK$165.00 | |
【To Educate the Human Potential】 This book is intended ... to help teachers to envisage the child's needs after the age of six. We claim that the average boy or girl of twelve years who has been educated till then at one of our schools knows at least as much as the finished High School product of several years' seniority, and the achievement has been at no cost of pain or distortion to body or mind. Unit Price: HK$135.00 | |
【From Childhood to Adolescence】 Dr. Montessori first analyses the characteristics and needs of children from seven to twelve. It may be said that veritable metamorphoses takes place during this period and constitutes one of particular importance for moral education, the concept of justice and social adaptation; the passage to abstraction, the role of the imagination and ‘going out', the key to culture. She also discusses the education of Adolescence, the ‘Erdkinder' and at the University. Unit Price: HK$135.00 |
雖然蒙特梭利曾於一九零六年首次發行此書,但經過四十二年以後,亦即要發行第三版之際,即使蒙氏的動機依舊,但由於蒙特梭利工作的發展與兒童的表現遠超過其預期的結果,因此蒙氏有了修訂。她在此書中特別澄清某些易為人忽略、誤解的問題,雖然她仍以教學法為核心來論述,但卻特別指出其工作的意義:不是在新式教育方法的產生,而是在兒童本質的新發現。因此在此書中描述兒童的本質,以及使兒童充分運用其自發學習 力以自動工作、活動的方法。對教學法中之教師與教具之技術和目的有一種綜合性的論述。定價:港幣190元
長期以來,蒙特梭利教學法受到許多的誤解與誤用。如先解後讀的語文教育、成長過程的敏感期、自由的觀念、獎懲無用論、何謂正常化兒童.....。本書對蒙 特梭利教育的基本原理及運用技巧,作了簡要精確而完整的介紹,同時更對蒙氏教育在當前教育界的價值,以及未來發展的趨向提出精闢的論證與見解。 定價:港幣85元
【 蒙特梭利英文的讀與寫】
許多家長在讀寫的過程中無法伸出援手,因為我們的文化取向告訴他們,這很困難,而且是教師該做的事。事實上不應如此,讀與寫的預備,在正式就學前許久便已展開,家長是兒童最初也是最佳的教師。使用蒙特梭利的英文教學法,不僅你的孩子學會讀與寫,而且他會樂在學習的過程。 透過數十種簡單有趣的遊戲與活動,不論孩子就讀任何一種學校,都能幫助他輕鬆的發展英文讀寫的能力。每一項遊戲和活動,都有清晰而明確的完成目標,幫助孩子建構穩固的讀寫基礎。特別爲父母和孩子建議的閱讀清單,幫助你創造一個更豐富的閱讀與寫作的環境。定價:港幣170元
【瞭解孩子】 當種子抽芽,長出第一片葉子;當花朵初初綻放;當胚胎開始改變、發育、生命的奇跡,就按照特定的時間、特定的程序,不斷在你眼前一一呈現。大自然有它的法則再那兒。我們一定要去觀察、瞭解這些法則,然後服從它們。對孩子來說,他需要的是大人允許他以自己的方式來發展,因為他的發展,冥冥之中已有大自然法則在引導了。定價: | |
【人的成長】 何謂人格?從哪裡開始?人何時開始成人?毫無疑問人格只有一個,貫穿不同的發展階段。但不管是什麽人,不管在哪個年齡層,都是從童年開始長大成人,其間人格的整體從未中斷。既然人格經歷不同的發展階段,我們便應該設想一種涵蓋各年齡的教育原則。蒙特梭利著重的是人格,而非某種教育方法。它是一種幫助人類獲得獨立,也是一種使人格擺脫傳統教育偏見、壓制的方法。定價: | |
【新世紀的教育】 最早的兒童之家就在羅馬最貧困的地區開始。來參觀的訪客看到四歲左右的孩子就能夠讀、寫,均感到十分驚訝。常會問孩子:「是誰教你們的?」那個孩子不解地看著問話的人,回答說:「教?沒人教我們!是我們自己學的。」「教育」並不是老師教什麼給孩子;教育是人類個體自行實現的自然過程,不是借著說教、聽訓而來,而是在環境中的體驗。本書的要旨即在揭示並護衛孩子內在驚人的潛能,希望協助老師以嶄新的眼光來看孩子,將原來單調乏味的工作變為樂趣,從壓制天性變為順應自然。 定價: | |
【瑪麗亞.蒙特梭利(第一、二、三部)】 定價: 瑪利亞。蒙特梭利(一) 蒙特梭利 瑪利亞。蒙特梭利(二) 我在孩子身上尋覓人性, 瑪利亞。蒙特梭利(三) 她事實上是通過了真正改革者的測試, |