Latest Courses
Parent Education Foundation Class
8-hr Parent Education Foundation Class*
Cantonese: (373A) 15/02/2025 & (373B) 22/03/2025(Sat) 9-1pm
Cantonese: (375A) 12/04/2025 & (375B) 17/05/2025(Sat) 9-1pm
English: (372A) 18/1/2025 & (372B) 25/1/2025(Sat) 9-1pm
Putonghua: (374A) 22/2/2025 & (374B) 01/03/2025(Sat) 9-1pm
* this class has A and B section, each have 4 hours. Parents can choose any A and B section from the above dates.
Age 0-3 ICW (Kowloon Tong)
Infinity Infants
Infinity ToddlersAge 3-6 IMA (Kowloon Tong )
Age 3-8 ICW Centre (Prince Edward)
Parents should have taken 4-hour Parent Education Foundation Class. <Apply Now>
AMS Teacher Credential Program
2023-2024 Apply
Advanced Parent Courses
【Secret of Infants (Age 0-3)】
【Secret of Children (Age 3-6)】
Latest News
Book for a school tour
Age 0-3 ICW (Kowloon Tong)
Age 3-6 IMA (Kowloon Tong )
Age 3-8 ICW Centre (Prince Edward)
*For parents ONLY <Book now>
Free Online Seminar
【Montessori Method for Early Childhood (3-6)】Free Seminar (Online)
Topic: How to prepare adult when children is entering the 3-6 years old stage?
Date/Time: 18/2/2025 (Tue) 6:00-7:00pm <Apply Now>【Montessori Method for Infant & Toddler (0-3)】Free Seminar (Online)
Topic: Is it suitable for infant & toddlers to learn through electronic media?
Date/Time: 11/03/2025 (Tue) 3:00-4:00pm <Apply Now>The access link will be sent to your email on the day of the seminar.
The basic requirement for an American Montessori Society Full International Member School is that all head teachers should be the beholders of an International Montessori Teacher License. Infinity Montessori Academy is the only school that obtains the qualification in Hong Kong.
Reference Book
The Infinity Children's Method by Ralph Yau
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